Trouble Code & Engine Light
Use our app to locate a nearby, cost-effective repair shop to accurately assess trouble codes and check engine lights. Don’t waste time looking for them – let the Beep app do it!
If you experience that sinking feeling every time your “Check Engine Light” comes on, don’t worry. Beep can help you find an auto service provider that’s affordable, convenient, professional and knows how to effectively end the trouble you are having with your car.
In most cases, it’s safe to keep driving your vehicle while the Check Engine Lights stays on. But sometimes it’s critical that you pull over and get a diagnostic and repairs.
Act quickly when Trouble Codes and Check Engine Lights are flashing or blinking. This is an indication that there is serious engine problems. If this is the case for you, pull over and get help. Your car is trying to tell you this. If your car was misfiring, you’d likely know there’s serious trouble by the way it drove. Guess what? Ignoring a faulty spark plug or ignition coil is a very likely reason for this misfiring, and you’re only a few steps away from the catalytic converter going. That repair may cost you a few thousand dollars. Alternatively, you could pay attention to the not-blinking Check Engine Light, bring your car in earlier and get those spark plugs replaced for a fraction of the cost.
Common Issues Resulting In Trouble Codes And Check Engine Lights
The most common reason for Trouble Codes and Check Engine Lights to come on relates to the oxygen sensor. This amazing component makes sure that the level of unburned oxygen in the exhaust (which has everything to do with the car operating at an optimal level). Several things can cause an O2 sensor to fail, but among them- once again- is a driver who ignores his or her “Service Engine Soon” light that was tripped by an internal coolant leak. Ignoring the easier fix almost always leads to a bigger, more expensive one.
In each car, the warning may read different- “Check Engine Soon”- or a simple image of an engine, or a combination of words plus an engine image- but they all mean the same thing. Essentially, the engine’s computer in your car has located one or more problems. Many components under the hood of your car, have a sensor that feeds data back to the on-board computer. That computer logs the data while looking for anomalies that it stores as faults or trouble codes, which you will know as engine trouble.
The trouble could be as simple as a gas cap that isn’t properly tightened (in which case, a little twist may be enough to shut that light off!) or a coolant that won’t cool, or a sensor that needs to be replaced.
But Check Engine Lights also let you know about cracked hoses or sticky valves or moisture in your engine — before it’s too late. Don’t delay. Deal with that light. Engine damage is often insidious; it creeps in and slowly wreaks havoc on your vehicle and your pocketbook. Even more, you may be unwittingly kicking out dangerous pollutants, the ones that a properly-running vehicle removes from its own emissions, and not realize it.
Since most of us don’t have the tools to do our own diagnostic scans or knowledge to be checking codes, let alone interpreting them correctly for ourselves, Beep offers help. Choose from any of our warranty-approved service providers and you’ll receive trustworthy service. It’s quality work and customer care worth paying for.
Some parts retailers or auto repair shops may offer to scan your engine and give you the codes free of charge. But remember that the endgame of doing so is always to get your business. You’ll want to know that you can trust the codes they’re giving you and that you can trust them to follow up and do a solid repair. If they can’t offer knowledgeable repair, don’t bring your engine trouble or its trouble codes to them.
Diagnostic scan tool results require human interpretation in order to see the bigger picture. Leave your vehicle in good hands when you see that “Service Engine soon” light; check into getting a reputable shop to run a diagnostic on your car. The initial cost of this scan will quickly pay off in that a mechanic will be able to do exact, quick, precise repairs- right where the problem was— the first time.
Contact us today or download our Beep app and get booking now!
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