Vehicle Check-Up
Concerned about your vehicle’s safety? Need a vehicle check-up? At Beep’s auto service marketplace, you get a list of providers, costs and appointment times so that you can quickly, affordably get that car back on the road.
A little light on the dashboard may or may not have a bearing on your vehicle’s road safety, but a diagnostic report will tell you for sure. A trained technician can conduct a vehicle inspection to give you – the driver – invaluable information about your vehicle’s operational and performance capacity.
How do you know you need a vehicle check-up?
First, you might observe something. These signs are some of the most obvious. You might be observing poor gas mileage, a tire tread wearing unevenly, or high engine temperature. Blatant signs include smoke or an engine light. But symptoms can be much subtler.
One that you might miss is smell. Cars can give off a rotten egg smell which could be a leaky battery, or a muggy smell which might be coming from your vehicle’s A/C vents.
A third way to tell if you could use a vehicle check-up is to pay careful attention to how it feels. Does your car shake? Does the braking feel different or abnormal? How about the steering? Is the shifting less smooth than normal? Is your vehicle sluggish? Sometimes you might be noticing that your car is riding less comfortably. All of these sensations can be indicators of an issue. But the best way to know for sure is to have someone who services vehicles professionally give you a diagnostic report.
A fourth way to tell if there’s an issue is to listen. You might here a variety of noises: clicking, clunking, pinging, squealing, sputtering, coughing, ticking, tapping, and more. You might be able to tell if it’s coming from the brakes, or maybe the engine is backfiring. Sometimes it’s not as obvious as any of these sounds and the engine is simply running roughly.
And finally, the easiest way to tell if you need a diagnostic is if your vehicle simply isn’t working properly. You turn off the car and the engine keeps running, or the opposite, it won’t start. Perhaps you’re having problems shifting or the engine is partially failing, stalling or feels weak.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms in your vehicle, it could the right time to get a diagnostic report. As the primary driver of your vehicle, you deserve to have critical information about your vehicle’s operational status.
Have a warranty-approved Beep service provider run a diagnostic scan on it, and get to the root of the problem!
To see nearest locations offering Vehicle Check-Up services